Wednesday, November 19, 2008

NaNo NaNo

So the blog doesn't write itself, go figure.

Keeping a blog going requires discipline, which has never been a high priority of mine, despite high marks for the wonderful people around me who employ it in their lives.

It requires imagination, which I have in fleeting moments, but they generally happen when I'm in the car, or even worse, while I am at the bedside of a dying patient for whom I am caring. I have tried to start keeping Post-Its in random places throughout my life so that inspiration will not be lost (not at the patient bedside, of course, but you get the idea).

It requires a little bit of ego, or confidence, or chutzpah, that says, "I can talk about toast for three pages and SOMEONE out there will totally want to read the whole damn thing." But the beauty of the internet is that, Yes, Carolyn, there is.

I totally admire these brave souls who have engaged in this ritual NaNoMo thang, religiously blogging, or noveling, or knitting every day for the month of November. Maybe by the time next November rolls around, I will have gotten the hang of all this... We can hope.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Thoughts are so muddled on this Election Eve, and I can think of several reasons for this including but not limited to:

1. Daylight Savings hangover (this is extremely underrated. I had a yawning fit at about 8:30 that was not to be believed)
2. Oversaturation of the feeble brain (mine) with too much election related information/propaganda. And I voted already.
3. Sister's jewelry party yesterday was quite a success but came with a stay at her home with her young, extremely active children and then a full day of planning, execution and clean-up.
4. Just because it's Monday

Am glad that I did already vote, because I can cross "the boredom and ennui which should not but does accompany waiting in line even for voting" off my list of downside items for tomorrow.