Monday, November 3, 2008


Thoughts are so muddled on this Election Eve, and I can think of several reasons for this including but not limited to:

1. Daylight Savings hangover (this is extremely underrated. I had a yawning fit at about 8:30 that was not to be believed)
2. Oversaturation of the feeble brain (mine) with too much election related information/propaganda. And I voted already.
3. Sister's jewelry party yesterday was quite a success but came with a stay at her home with her young, extremely active children and then a full day of planning, execution and clean-up.
4. Just because it's Monday

Am glad that I did already vote, because I can cross "the boredom and ennui which should not but does accompany waiting in line even for voting" off my list of downside items for tomorrow.

1 comment:

marybeth said...

Just got an email letting me know I had a new follower on Twitter, so I, in turn, followed the link to your blog.
I enjoy your sense of humor, and have bookmarked your site.
